Sally: Are you all right?
Baron Munchausen: Am I dead?
Sally: No.
Baron Munchausen: Blast!
Sally: Who are you really?
Baron Munchausen: [groans]
Sally: Baron Munchausen isn't real, he's only in stories.
Baron Munchausen: Go away! I'm trying to die!
Sally: Why?
Baron Munchausen: Because I'm tired of the world and the world is evidently tired of me.
Sally: But why? Why?
Baron Munchausen: Why, why, why! Because it's all logic and reason now. Science, progress, laws of hydraulics, laws of social dynamics, laws of this, that, and the other. No place for three-legged cyclops in the South Seas. No place for cucumber trees and oceans of wine. No place for me.
bi kitabın en sevdiğiniz kısmını 15 yıl sonra izlemek, tuhaf ama güzel bir şey.
okurken güldüğünüz kadar izlerken de gülmek, harika bir şey.
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Ben de filmi dusundukce guluyorum hala. Bir ara tekrar seyretmeli.
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